5 Best Things to Do After Visa Applications are Submitted

December 6th, 2023

I cannot begin to describe the sense of relief I experienced after mailing our K3 Nonimmigrant Visa for a Spouse application. From the moment we stepped foot in my apartment upon our return from our “minimoon,” these two visa applications have consumed my life. I have done everything that I can as quickly as I can and to the best of my ability. Not only am I relieved to be finished with applications, evidence, official documents, and fees, but, most importantly, I am relieved that we are already this far along in this marriage green card journey.

I mailed our K3 Visa application in the evening and I celebrated at home with a drink. About half way through my cocktail, I went back to work; the marriage visa is a small but obviously very important part of preparing to receive your spouse at home. The next four things I worked on are not only important for my wife’s well being but also important forms of “additional evidence” that can be included at the NVC interview or should there be receipt of an RFE notice.

adding spouse as dependent on health insurance policy

1) The first thing I did was actually completed the week previous. I had been repeatedly trying to add Jessica as a dependent on my health insurance policy through my employer. Of course, my health insurance provider made it as difficult as possible. After a few weeks of endless email exchanges, I was successfully able to add her. I feel the importance of adding Jessica as my health insurance dependent is self explanatory especially as a husband. It is a simple bonus that it can also be used as additional evidence should it be required.

adding spouse as beneficiary to life insurance policy

2) The second thing, which was completed while consuming my celebratory Cointreau, was adding Jessica as the beneficiary to my life insurance policy through my employer. This process was started the week previous and was streamlined compared to the health insurance experience. Once again, I feel it is unnecessary to explain as to why anyone would want his/her spouse as the beneficiary to his/her life insurance, pension, or retirement account. Should anything happen to me, I can only hope that one of the last things I can do is offer Jessica financial security for at least a short time so that she can figure out her next move. I, of course, hope this is a bridge that we never cross.

adding spouse as beneficiary to retirement account

3) The third thing I did was I opened a retirement account and named Jessica as my beneficiary on that account. This was simply one additional way we could show additional evidence that required very little effort. Adding Jessica as the beneficiary to my retirement accounts seems inevitable, however, the challenge is finding banks that will cooperate; not all banks will allow non US citizens or legal permanent residents to be named as the beneficiary to its accounts. The only reason for me to even open an additional savings account right now is to name my new spouse as the beneficiary to it. After some research, we found the option that works best for us.

transferring money internationally to your family

4) Another thing I did was send Jessica money. Unfortunately, given the circumstances of our marriage, I obviously cannot be there with her and she can’t be here with me. Sending a little cash to make up for not being there to physically help is the least I can do as a husband. For the record, I have never sent Jessica money previously. We both have respectable jobs and were both fully financially independent previous to us meeting. However, now that we are husband and wife, I will not go as far as saying that sending money is expected but it definitely appears even more appropriate than before. We highly recommend Wise App as it is incredibly user friendly and lightning fast. Lastly and obviously, the receipt and record of sending money to one’s spouse overseas can also be used as additional evidence moving forward.

5) The final thing I did was make Jessica an authorized user for one of my Chase credit cards. Of the banks I have relationships with, Chase, US Bank, and American Express, Chase is the only bank that did not require a Social Security Number in order to appoint an authorized user of a credit card. Jessica has her own credit card in her name that is tied to my credit card. The rumor is that this will also help Jessica when she will begin establishing her own credit specifically with Chase Bank.

adding spouse to auto insurance policy

If there is one other suggestion I may add for something that should be done and can be used as additional evidence, I would suggest adding your spouse to your car insurance policy. This one is not as easy as it will require a United States driver’s license (I have not found an insurance provider that will add a driver to one of its policies without a US license). But, if the means of obtaining a US driver’s license is available, I highly suggest doing so. Upon successful completion of obtaining a US driver’s license, it will then be possible to add the spouse to the existing auto insurance policy.

After we complete these six tasks, I will feel exponentially better about Jessica beginning her new life here in Los Angeles. She will have health insurance including dental and vision, she will be financially secure for at least a little while should anything happen to me, and she will have the ability to safely, legally, and freely travel by vehicle.

This sense of responsibility I feel over someone is new and it is something I have been specifically aware of since my wedding. There is also a new sense of pressure although it is nothing I cannot tolerate just yet. Once I can ensure that Jessica has all of these things, I will feel like I have fulfilled just one of my many duties.

I have mostly overlooked the importance of these things in the past, however, I am truly grateful to be in a position where I have earned and can provide things like health insurance. The importance of health insurance was stressed to me before by many people I respect and consider wise but it has never been more clear just how important than it is now that I am married.




UPDATE: Form I-797C, Notice of Action Received for K3 Visa