UPDATE: My USCIS Case Status “3 Months” Estimated Time Until Case Decision

December 29th, 2023

In less than 24 hours, we have experienced another update to our “estimated time until case decision” in my account under the myUSCIS portal. We have one more month added to our estimated time for a total of “3 months.”

my account for myUSCIS updated the estimated time until case decision to 3 months

Initially, this feels like I just took a mean straight right to the solar plexus. I even felt like I lost a little bit of my breath just like I would have had I taken that shot. Two substantial and now longer estimates have occurred within about 36 hours. But, after getting up off the canvas and regaining my breath and strength, I realize that I should still be grateful. Three months is better than five or ten and, if I am being completely honest, I was expecting to see one of those two numbers shortly after our estimate time reached “your case is taking longer than expected to process.”

There was no way we could have gotten approval and qualification in only a month from submitting our I-130 form and beginning our CR1 journey; it was truly too good to be true. However, with that said, I will happily and hastily take 3 months if that is what is required. That is still a bargain.

Please join me in offering up any prayers and/or positive energy in hopes that, if we experience any more estimated time updates, the estimated time will be cut down instead and not continue to grow.


Happiest of New Years, 2024


UPDATE: My USCIS Case Status “2 Months” Estimated Time Until Case Decision